Gratitude: Choosing Gratitude

It has been a very long time since I posted my gratitude list.

A few things have come into focus in the last few weeks.

1. Gift listing does keep depression at bay. When I avoid the hunt for small elephant-sized grace gifts He bestows each and every day, I notice a difference.

2. My journey through The Land Between: Finding God in Difficult Transitions
has brought into focus the harsh reality that I have been choosing bitterness over trusting and resting in His peace.

3. There are wounds that have never healed, that are much deeper than I ever realized. But He can heal even those.


NOW- I choose to refocus my lens, get back on the gratitude trail, and continue my listing.

(the first few on this list are rather “old” having been written in my gratitude journal back in the beginning of August.)

926. cooler weather

927. listening to them all chatter about all the fun they are having with their cousins and grandparents

928. waterlilies blooming


929. birds of paradise


930. humming birds

931. the smell of fresh cut grass

932. He had new shoes for me, that actually fit!

933. new glass doors on the church in Malagamot

(what it looked like when we left)

934. he values us…

935. … and took time out of a busy trip

936. … to go meet Pastor Ortiz

937. … and see the crop growing there

938. … from seeds God allowed us to plant

939. His Grace being extended to us through them

940. … at times it is overwhelming and reduces me to tears,

…it’s been such a long time since I have felt love like that from a church family.

941. crisp fall air

942. her soft kiss on my cheek…

943. … followed by, “you’re the bestest mommy in the whole world”

944. The Land Between: Finding God in Difficult Transitions

945. Pastor Dennis Gray

946. women who took time to pray for me

947. gray overcast skies giving way to brilliant blue

948. led by the Spirit, I gave her One Thousand Gifts: A Dare to Live Fully Right Where You Are

949. …she writes that she is now counting her blessings, one by one

950. the heat of the sun on my skin

951. How Deep the Father’s Love for Us ME (my favorite version)

952. listening to her giggle…

953. … and tell me of the fun she is having with my parents

954. Ann’s words

955. a sister who offered me a shoulder to weep on and whispered prayer in my behalf

956. another sister that texts me that she’s praying for me

957. the loud honking of Canadian geese flying low overhead, seeking warmer temperatures

958. the warmth of Mango sitting on my feet

959. the aroma of blueberry coffee brewing, filling the house

960. ~ 964. encouraging texts messages sent by one whom God has brought along to hike with me for a while, to lead me on the trail to healing

965. “Lift up your hands in the sanctuary, and bless the Lord.” Psalm 134:2

Linking up over at Ann’s today.


Hiking Toward Home