Getting On With Life


It has been a long time. I know.

It was MY plan to get back to blogging over the summer and God had other plans.

Our family lost my father this summer through unexpected tragic circumstances and that kind of dictated how we spent our summer.

We are back into the swing of school and have stepped out on faith and put one in school and have two left at home. Our oldest is finishing up her last year in the local college and has plans to transfer to a university after graduation in the spring.

So last November… We didn’t just move.


We have never owned our own home before. I am looking forward to blogging about decorating it and making it ours.

It has been quite a process, this moving business. We have accumulated so much stuff in almost 25 years of marriage.

This move has and continues to force us to face our STUFF and downsize and decide what we really need to keep and what can be purged.

A year later and we are still trying to wade through all our “wonderful treasures” that we seem to not be able to delete from our lives.

We moved from a four story house that had a full walk in attic and basement which were both full of clutter and books and stuff we have dragged halfway around the world and back again.

Our new house is a bi-level which is really a glorified rancher with an extra basement room. I always said I would never want to live in a bi-level but… this one captured our attention with it’s huge flat yard, shorter paved driveway, and wood fireplace and is perfect for us and is an answer to so many prayers. One being “Lord, please help me to clear the clutter.” I am still struggling with that one.

Our new home has a school area/studio area in the basement. I am overjoyed about this. I finally don’t have to clear school completely off the kitchen table to put our dinner on the table. Sigh of relief.

I am looking forward to using my new studio space more. Though we have been here a year and our house still looks like we just moved in. So many boxes.. still … in almost every. room.

There are things that have gone missing over our 14 moves that I am looking forward to finding as I unpack each box.

I am sure I sound like a broken record to many as I have yet to really reach any of the goals I set years ago in my blogging and art and life in general. But I am trying really hard to move forward and get out of the slump and now I have several Gorgeous Girls who are cheering me on and encouraging me forward in many areas of my life. I am so glad to have their support. God has greatly blessed me with some very good friends in Christ.


Hiking Toward Home