A Still Small Voice

A still small voice.  (1 Kings 19)

“My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me:” (John 10:27)

This is how God speaks to his children. Even in the book of Job when God is talking to Job out of the whirlwind, it doesn’t seem like he is yelling at him.  It reads as a conversation, a questioning, if you will, to get Job to think and consider but not as though God is yelling at him.

I often can hear the Holy Spirit guiding me.  Quietly speaking to my heart to do this or not do that, say this and don’t say that, avoid this, look here, go there, read this…

Yes, I know this subject may freak out a few people I know.


I was thinking about the times I know without question that He was speaking to me distinctly and it hit me this morning…

He doesn’t yell at us.

He is not sarcastic with us.

He doesn’t talk down at us.

He doesn’t speak disrespectfully to us.

…if that makes any sense.

He loves us and speaks lovingly to us, even while correcting us and reproving us!

This is the pattern I am to follow when speaking to my own children.

I am to speak with kindness, not with sarcasm.

I am to speak lovingly, not raise my voice in frustration.

Praise God! He does not relate to us that way.

He leads his children gently along, and I am to do the same with mine.

Thank you, Jesus, for your grace, long suffering, and patience with me.

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