Termites to Ladybugs

Are we moving up in the world?

In the Philippines, termites always came out at night.  As a form of entertainment for our kids, weird though it may be, we would make loops of duct tape (sticky side out) and each kid would put one on their hands like tacky mittens. Then the fun began: see how many termites you could catch (or get stuck) on your piece of duct tape. Hey, in the middle of no where, you look for all kinds of new wonderful ways to pass the time.

NOW, the house we live in has an abundance of ladybugs.  So each night just before family devotions with the kids and bedtime stories are read, we have more of a team effort kind of “fun”. We see how many ladybugs we can gather, throw in the toilet, and flush them! Yeah, exciting huh? Most of our kids are used to bugs of various types and sizes, having lived in the tropics. However, our youngest, at age two doesn’t remember too much of that and so never got over the “scream for your life it’s a BUG!!” stage. We go through this nightly ritual so she will settle down and sleep better while the older kids just love finding all the ladybugs. (please don’t report us for ‘cruelty to animals’) She is slowly overcoming her fear of bugs and now she stands there as Daddy flushes them each night and makes sound effects while they swirl around, then disappear. So now we hear, “Wooo, wooooo, woooooo”, as Daddy commits his nightly “swirly” of the ladybugs.

On a side note, we have found them not to be so “ladylike”.  They STINK almost as much as a stinkbug!!

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