No Middle Ground

Sometimes the Truth is often hard to face. We know it is there and avoid it, knowing facing it is going to cause some necessary pain.
Some Truth I had to face recently was this:

Hatred stirreth up strifes: but love covereth all sins.
Proverbs 10:12
Notice anything?

There is no in-between, no middle ground.

You fall on one side or the other. If you are not forgiving and passing over the hurt done to you by others (or even what you perceive as hurtful though not intended by others as such) then you are dwelling on the other side of the proverbial equation, which is where Hatred lives.

Hatred holds the grudge and keeps broadcasting how much you have been hurt, telling everyone around you instead of only sharing it with Jesus, the only one who can heal our hurts.

Me? Living in Hatred? Yup. That bent in me caused by my need to constantly defend my-insecure-self is, well, pride-driven. It sure isn’t pretty to look at but there it is because “only by pride cometh contention” (Prov. 13:10).
Christ forgave us a whole lot of hate. We were his enemies and he died for us anyway because he loves us. We are to follow His example and do the same. If we are unforgiving then we need to examine which has the upper hand: pride or humility? What are you broadcasting in your daily conversations?

We are to over come evil with good…

…and that takes a whole lot of love and humility.

Hiking Toward Home