Tuesdays Unwrapped: Things In Common

This photo has been on my mind for a while.

My husband and I celebrated our Anniversary one year by driving down the coast of Oregon. It was a peace-filled time of reconnecting and doing something we both enjoy, something that brought us together in the beginning. Taking photos and then spending time looking at them together, giving affirmation on a good shot and offering advice on how to do some things better next time. (He is a much better photographer than I.)

Though our lives have other callings, we still enjoy this activity, of capturing God’s creation, at first it was on film, and now it is in digital pixels.

I am thankful for the blessing of things in common, that we enjoy together, that will still go on when the kids move upward and onward someday.

Unwrapping Blessings over at Emily’s on this Tuesday. Click on over and discover some other blessings in the linkage there.

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