Gratitude: Continuing to Count…

I am continuing on and linking up to Ann Voskamp’s Multitude Monday

holy experience
31. a husband’s thoughtful consideration
32. a new idea for dealing with the correction of heart attitudes of children
33. a husband’s willingness for me to go to the Relevant Conference
34. getting one of the last tickets, (so glad I registered when I did,
             after I did, the page on facebook announced only 3 tickets left.)
35. getting a room at a good rate
36. finally replacing a crockpot
37. someone else taking on doing the dishes
38. cooking with my daughter
39. purging my wardrobe
40. listening to my 5 year old (almost 6!) read to me
41. putting away the flipflops for the sturdy winter shoes
42. a vehicle to drive
43. the kids being able to have fun participating in Upwards soccer this year
44. a rainy day that keeps me home
45. a call from an distant friend that I really miss spending time with
46. another friend calling to check up on me
47. good news of good changes in places we have been
48. a husband willing to go to the grocery store in the rain
49. a father willing to watch the grandkids
50. willing to make a 3 hour round trip to do so
“In every thing give thanks:
for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus
concerning you.”
~1 Thessalonians 5:18

Click on over to Holy Experience to join in and give thanks…

Hiking Toward Home