Cardboard Bullies

At the Relevant Conference, I was introduced to Blessings Unlimited. I truly like the products they offer. 
This is my favorite: 

Isn’t it beautiful?
Each piece with a blessing to be thankful for.
So I decided to take the plunge into becoming an Independent Consultant. I paid my money and received my ‘business kit’. It arrived and my husband carried the boxes into the house and




Taunting me to fail.

“You’ll never be good at this.” They whispered.

“You wasted your money.” They glared at me when I walked by, big cardboard bullies just daring me to open them and unpack the treasures inside.

So they stayed there.

Every time the whispering began I countered it with, “God, help me with this. I feel overwhelmed and I don’t want to be a quitter… AGAIN.”

I even called the ‘home office’ and asked about sending them back to their dark cave warehouse.

I could have… but… I didn’t.

My husband encouraged me to try.

“Try it. Ask God to bless it. You may feel better about it after your first Gathering.”

I have found one person willing to extend some grace and attempt my first Gathering.

So I have jumped off the cliff into the unknown world (to me) of small business and even set up a Blessings Unlimited website. (At the moment the intro is hard to read with no line breaks. Working on fixing that. Not sure what happened. I followed the directions and saved it in HTML but…?)

ANYWAY… Click on over and check it out! You have Christmas shopping to do right? I’m sure you will find something for someone on your list. (wink wink, shy smile)

If you think on it… pray for me as I wade into the ocean of sales.

Hiking Toward Home