Gratitude: "I was a baby?"

This morning as my daughter picked up a book with her baby picture on the front, I asked if she knew who the baby was on the cover. She exclaimed matter-of-factly that it was her older sister.
“No, that is you sweetheart.”
“I was a baby?” Her eyes growing larger.
Smile. My heart expanding and overflowing with love.
I love watching her discover and process. The selfish part of me doesn’t want her to grow up. I want to freeze her right here so she will always fit on my lap and want me to read to her and rock her. But the rest of me loves seeing the fascination in her eyes when she learns something new.
I am finding myself including her new discoveries among the many gifts that my heavenly Father rains down on me each day.
And let the peace of God rule in your hearts,
to the which also ye are called in one body;
and be ye thankful.”
~Colossians 3:15
Thanking God for these little daily gifts:
141. A soft warm Golden,
142. laying across my toes,
143. keeping my feet warm.
144. “I was a baby?”
145. from my almost 4 year old.
146. The cacophony of 3 kids doing school work, all watching their own dvd teachers, answering all at the same time.
147. The reaping of the harvest in the field next door interrupting our daily tasks, taking it in stride and not getting stressed.
148. seeing it as a teaching opportunity instead.
149. Boys watching with fascination as the combine vacuums up the field of soy beans.
150. A warm dog wedging her nose under my arm while I type.
151. A son understanding the concept of getting school done by starting early and staying focused.
152. not needing to buy any more diapers or pull-ups
153. grace
154. Listening to my little girl sing
155. “Jesus Loves Me”
156. while helping her daddy wash dishes.
157. “grateful for the gift of hope”
158. written inside the lip of my coffee cup, reminding me with every sip
159. the depth of His redeeming love
160. His mercy unending
Linking up late again. I can’t seem to get my Multitude Monday post up on Monday! Linked up with the Gratitude Community hosted by Ann Voskamp at A Holy Experience.

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