Gratitude: Better Late Then Never… When Counting

Another week of Counting His Blessings with Ann Voskamp…

285. Youngest finished her breakfast, “I’m done Daddy, I’m FULL.”
286. a massive cloud of red-winged blackbirds
287. being engulfed in them while driving, as they decide to change fields
288. pink clouds striping the sky over frosted white fields
289. dog-breath steam cloud, as Carmel sits surveying her realm from the top step of the porch
290. listening to my Baking Girl teaching her youngest sibling how to roll snicker-doodle balls in cinnamon and sugar
291. the children spilling memories while their hands busily decorate the tree

292. early morning announcement from the youngest, “Its Miss Crystal Day!
293.  …and she will see our tree and she will say, ‘Its bee-u-ful!'”
294. Our Baking Girl finding making two batches of cookies rewarding and enjoyable, “I have such a sense of accomplishment!”
295. a dear long-time friend coming for a “sleep-over”
296. her company and fellowship
297. she loves and enjoys our kids too!
298. early-morning theology discussion, in the kitchen, while sipping coffee
299. the gift of Coffee
300. that she joined us in our ‘home’ worshipping our Savior on Sunday Morning
301. the cantata disc did not skip during the service
302. “Glory in the Highest”
303. tropical children scraping together a ‘snowball’ from the light dusting we received
304. Husband’s love and care for me
305. a grandmother working all night caring for others, driving an hour and a half to enjoy Christmas programs and driving an hour and a half back to work for another night shift of caring for others

Join us over there, click a few links and read a few lists…

Hiking Toward Home