It. Is. Finished.

I have never been good at follow-through.

I have so many unfinished jobs in my life around the house. Stacks of clutter, that each time I begin to sort, I get sidetracked and never seem to get back onto the main-line task of finishing the job.

And they don’t just clutter MY house. They even clutter my mother’s house, where I have at least two boxes filled with stuff I keep meaning to Forex to the Philippines. (I have another one in my basement.)

I always have lots of great ideas but never seem to get them to completion.

Laundry gets washed and dumped on the couch, eventually it gets folded… and rarely ever makes it from basket to drawer. I have never done a complete load and actually sort it, wash it, dry it, fold it, and put it away… all in one day.

I am so glad that God finishes what He starts.

I have a terminal problem called sin.

But God… has already taken care of it.

I am so thankful that God doesn’t get sidetracked.

He has excellent ‘follow-through’.

He sent his Son to free us from our sin.

He separated it from us as far as East is from West.

He nailed it to His Cross and declared, “It is Finished.”

When he declared His work completed…

He swung the door wide open for me.

To receive Grace.

To receive Mercy.

To hold on to Hope.

To know one day I will actually be perfect.


And it all had to start somewhere…

He chose a stable and not a royal palace.

She gave birth to him in a stable… a barn…


laying on Joseph’s coat, to cover up the dirty hay…

in a stall toward the back…

maybe there were curious bystanders that crowded around the outside…

not knowing it was the Christ child being born…

thinking it was just another “normal” birth but in such an “unfortunate place”…


Have you ever received this most wonderful baby into your life?

He comes to bring you redeeming grace…

Have you received it?

Hiking Toward Home