Rethinking and Renewing

RETHINK- verb: think again about (something such as a policy or course of action),
esp. in order to make changes to it 

As a young Christian I just went with the flow. I  was lazy in my relationship with the Lord.

I did not discern the difference between the loud nagging of the enemy and the quiet promptings of the Holy Spirit.

Something I have been learning while hiking with Jesus is to listen to His still quiet voice and to recognize when it is NOT a still quiet voice. I have found that the Holy Spirit does not speak in a loud condemning tone. 

I am posting over at (in)courage today! Hike on over there and read about my hike into God’s Grace. To get there just click on THIS.

If you have stopped over from (in)courage… WELCOME!!

Glad to have you hike over here for a bit. Before you go, please check out my sidebar and “Like” Hiking Toward Home on Facebook or hike along with me by Rss feed or have it quietly slipped into your inbox.

Hiking Toward Home