imperfect prose: The Value of Me

hot tear streams flowing upon waking,
flowing before the eyes ever open to the morning light
overwhelmed by the long list that tries to convince me I have no value
strong arms that embrace, wrapping love warm
his quiet whispers, reminding that my Savior values… me
whispering of the cross
where He laid down on wood
and let them carve my name in his hands

stepping in the door for morning worship
in a sea of faces, one steps forward
one who knows from whence I came
one who loves and offers support, unconditional
another set of arms sent from God to wrap me in love
and help me know He cares, He loves, He values… me
hot tear streams now flowing in thanks

listening to message preached from a heart so full of love
for his Savior
for those who’ve come to hear, with open hearts
for a wife, battle-scarred and weary
preaching encouragement to look unto Him
the Author of ME,
He who shapes, forms, loves and gives life abundant,
He who values… me
to run with patience
lest I become so weary I faint in my mind,
for that is the battle ground
that is where I need strength to not give up
hot tear streams continuing to flow in gratitude
for His unfailing love
for those willing to be His arms
for those willing to whisper reminders of His love
whispering reminders of how much He values… Me
         and again
                         and again

“Jesus laid down on wood and let them carve your name in his hands.”
                                          ~Ann Voskamp

Linked up over at Emily’s today.
Please take a moment to click over and read some more “imperfect prose.”

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