On Being The Moon

I glance out the window while filling the coffee pot, I noticed the moon. To the naked eye there did not seem to be this much light on the horizon.

I went out on to the deck to have a better look and went back to get my camera.

As I stood there staring at the light it was reflecting, you could see the whole moon… part in shadows… but the side that was lit was so much more brilliant than I ever remember noticing. As if I could just reach out and touch it. It made me think if I just looked left I would see the sun blazing away.

How much I want to be like the moon reflecting the sun. How much I want my life to shine for Jesus so that others will have the urge to look for the Son- Light. Does my life shine Jesus to those around me? To my children? and those I interact with through the week? to the grocery checker at the store dragging coffee and chicken across scanner? to the lady at the post office who takes my packages and mails them across this ocean and that ocean? to those who read what I write … in this space … in that space … or even in that space?

What is the purpose of my Hike if not to shine Jesus? Like a flashlight helps me see down my trail in the dark, do I help others see down their trails so that they can have more of His Light?

Be the moon, Reflect the Son.

Hiking Toward Home