Gratitude: Prayer

God never ceases to amaze me. Specifically, through answered prayer.*

I was having a discussion with some ladies recently. A woman who has been a Christian for a long time was asking questions about prayer. She asked about praying for specific things and followed it with how she always just prays for “God’s will to be done” and “giving thanks at meal times”.

She had never prayed for anything specific.

She deemed it to be materialistic. It could be … depending on your motive.

But my heart broke for her. It made me think of how much she is missing out on.

Of how she has missed out on having her faith strengthened. She has spent a lifetime missing out on knowing God had answered prayer in ways only He can. It builds our faith and confidence in God when we ask for specific things and then watch Him answer the seemingly impossible.

Ask. Seek. Knock. It is what Jesus tells us to do! Matthew 7:7-11

Psalm 37:4 says, “Delight thyself also in the LORD; and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart.”

He wants to bless His children just as we want to bless our children. As a parent I want to provide for my children. But there is an extra special joy brought when we are able to bless them with something they desire and watch them delight in it. Our Heavenly Father is the same way. He cares about every detail of our lives. So why would we not pray in specific detail?

When God blesses and answers our prayers… we must be sure to praise God and delight in Him more than the gift he has bestowed.

We must not forget to be grateful and give thanks to the Provider.

571. blue heron flying
572. fingers laced together, as she and I wandered the mall waiting for new glasses to be made
573. she loves her new glasses … and so do I

574. cheshire-grin of the moon
575. over-heard from my sickbed: “this painting is for mommy to help her feel better”
576. she likes George Winston’s Linus and Lucy
577. her gift list has this: “abstract painting brother”
578. his gift list says, “haircuts”
579. gift listing children
580. day-light savings time has begun
581. another relationship, thought to be beyond repair, reconciled and regained*
582. My God is an Awesome God
583. children sharing secrets between themselves…
584. my 40th is approaching quickly… it is Wednesday…
585. I have now known my best friend, love of my life, handsome hubby, father of our four beautiful children, photographic adventurer, hiking companion, my encourager, my rescuer… for half of my life

Hiking Toward Home