Gratitude: Eucharisteo

681. living so close to Longwood Gardens

682. the vast varieties of plants and flowers, each a creation of God

683. God is creative and artistic, what a great truth to know

684. grasping that truth and the knowledge that I am made in His image. I am to use them for His honor and glory.

685. Pottery Barn outlet is so close by

686. my new duvet covered in a seashore theme

687. seashells and spiral patterns

688. brilliant green emerging on seemingly lifeless branches

689. weeping willow trees

690. branches frosted in various shades of pink

691. white dogwood petals edged with a blush of pink

692. orchids

693. bright colors

694. muted shades of seafoam mist and periwinkle and robin’s egg blue

695. she came to help me

696. violets about to open, strewn across the lawn

697. her plastic toy teacups sitting on the window sill, filled to overflowing with dandylions

698. light

699. Light

700. M. B.

701. J. H.

702. appointment is set

703. she has come with well loved doggie in her arms, thumb in mouth, sleep in her eyes…

704.    … “I wan ta wok wit chu”, and I pull her onto my lap and bury my face in her hair and inhale deeply… aaaah. 🙂

705. Bright sunlit morning

706. the air is so clear, her bark is echoing off the house across the street

707. a lego-free floor

708. Pastor Philips

709. she sought me out in a crowd…

710.     … wanting to know how I am doing

711.          … prays for me daily

712. Eucharisteo always precedes the miracle

713. He still changes hearts and lives today

714. our children and their children enjoy each other so much

715. being reminded of the glories of heaven that await

716. organic cotton, the softness of it

717. women who pray with me and for me

718. listening to passionate fervent prayer with a Russian accent

719. “The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.” ~James 5:16

720. kindred spirits

Linked up with Ann today. Consider keeping a gratitude list of your own…

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