Saturday Morning Confessions: 1

Melissa over at A Familiar Path has begun posting Saturday Morning Confessions and asked us to join her this week.

Sounds like fun to me! So I am jumping in…

1. I am not finding the April Fool’s joke to have snow yesterday morning to be very funny. It killed my two new plants.

2. My thumb isn’t very green. I. need. help. My front garden needs attention and my kids want to plant a veggie garden as a school project. I. REALLY. need. help.

3. I like the immediate gratification that ironing brings. Yes, when I am not in a hurry, I actually enjoy ironing.

4. My house needs me to have a rather large yard sale. But that takes more planning than I have time for at the moment. So it will have to wait until Summertime.

5. I don’t think summertime is ever going to show up in my neck of the woods. The weather is still too cold, even for spring, and school seems to be taking for-ev-ah this year.

6. I need to see more of these:

7. You all will probably get sick of flower photos this year. I am hoping to frequent Longwood Gardens this year.

8. I bought a $159 rug from LLBean and only spent $8. 😀 They should have an affiliate program just for me.

9. The rug is to force me to clean up the mess that sits on the floor next to my bed that I never seem to get put completely away. I think Flylady calls them hotspots.

10. My whole house is a hotspot.

11. I should stop typing and go clean it up a bit.

Thanks Melissa! I feel better now.

Hiking Toward Home