Light Within


I heart this flower.

It looks like it is glowing from within.

* * * * * * * * *

As God’s children, we are to be glowing within.

Shining the Light to all those around us.

No matter who they are.

Your children.

Your family.

Those you meet through out your day,

at the grocery store, where the checker never makes eye contact with you as she takes your money,

at the gas station, where the guy at the next pump has a vocabulary consisting

of words limited to the four-letter variety,

at the library, where the sweet lady checks out your books,

at that fast food restaurant that served you cold fries,

The ones on your facebook friends list that you haven’t actually seen or talked to in over 20 years.

And those that only “friend you” to be nosey,

or to be seen as popular,

and those who genuinely want to interact with you and not loose touch with you.

The ones who send you sweet messages of support.

And those who don’t.

Those who profess to be your friends,

and even…

Those who proclaim to be your enemies.

Every last one of them is to see the Light of Christ within you,

It shines brightest when your actions and words are filled with










Hiking Toward Home