Attacking My “Fear of White”

I have written over and over about being inspired to try my hand at painting again. Of starting a new habit and how that actually has to have action added to actually make a change.

I have not delved into watercolor and brushes… yet. BUT I have taken a step forward and broke out the colored pencils and a few of my pictures from my photography portfolio.

I figure I need to brush up a bit before picking up a brush loaded with pigment and attacking my “fear of white” as a new friend called it in the comments here.

Yesterday, my youngest sat quietly at the table, alone, drawing. And the Holy Spirit whispered, what a great opportunity to spend time with her while hiking forward in faith on this path back to Art.

So I got out the sketch pad and didn’t look back.

I did not take a photo of it before I started layering in the color. Ooops!

So far…


Don’t miss the final product when it is done!

Hiking Toward Home