New ~ A Five Minute Friday

Finally. I am thinking I might have the five minutes I need to write and finish this post before the world starts demanding my time. I haven’t participated in Lisa-Jo’s 5 Minute Friday for a long while having convinced myself that I’ve nothing to write on the prompts put forth and thereby convincing myself that I didn’t have 5 minutes to spend posting to a blog I sometimes wonder why I continue to write on. (Yeah, that was an awfully long awkward sentence.)

The objective is to write for 5 minutes and not go back and edit. But I will admit I do go back and check spelling. 🙂

Today, Lisa-Jo’s prompt is “new”.



I am facing a lot of “new” right now.

As a family we are facing a new life.

A new job?

A new home?

The children are facing “real” school as my daughter calls it.

I am facing the new of no longer homeschooling and the new of not being in full time ministry…

Or will I?

I don’t know.

It is so new that we don’t know yet.

Facing the new of stepping out in faith, like Abraham, not noing where you are going.

As I sat and watched the water lilies unfold in the newness of their day and actually watch the centers of them, literally, spring open, I was reminded that His mercies are new every morning.

I need them to be new every day.

Especially right now.

Facing the New and so very unfamiliar.

Facing making bag lunches for the first time in my life… and knowing I will have to do it every day for the whole school year feels almost overwhelming. It is vastly different from making a large hot family dinner in the middle of the homeschool afternoon.

Facing the new of driving my kids to school each day. And picking them up again.

Facing the new of other people doing all most of the teaching and me becoming a “help with the homework” parent.


Stop on over to Lisa-Jo’s and read the other linked up 5 Minute Friday posts.

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