All He Wants For Christmas…

It was a move that would make a professional wrestler proud.

Correction. It did make a professional wrestler proud.

I know one. And he laughed right out loud upon hearing this story:

She grabbed him ’round the waist,

hoisted him off the floor,

and then proceeded to drop him…

in such a way that…


this was the end result:


The void on the right was knocked so loose it came out just a few hours later.

Then a few more days later the second came out.

Thankfully, they were ready to come out… baby teeth.

Praise the Lord, they were already wobbly.

All he wants for Christmas is his two front teeth.

(Oh! And the mess on his face? What can I say? He likes ketchup on his hotdogs and his roasted marshmallows BURNT.)


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