Mango and Carmel

How am I ever to get much work done around here?

Every time the computer opens on my lap I have to deal with this:


Ain’t she cute? Her name is Mango if you are new around here.

There is a reason she is staring at me so intently.

Its because she just did this (below) about a hundred times and I keep ignoring her.



At least I am trying to.

You see this is not the post I was going to write today but she obviously wants to be the center of attention today.

Well, everyday actually.

Know where she keeps putting that ball?

Right here:


And then she barks at me.


She does this over and over.

Picking it up and dropping it in my lap. Over and over.

And when she doesn’t get what she wants she sits and waits and chews on it like it’s a piece of gum.


You know what? It makes me think of how we take things to the Lord over and over in prayer.

We lay some issue in His lap and ask Him to take care of it.

And when He doesn’t answer right away?

We need to just sit patiently like Mango…

And wait.

Because He tells us to.

“Be still and know that I am God” ~ Psalm 46:10

If you showed up here looking for a dessert recipe, I am sorry you were disappointed.

And about Carmel? She is no longer the Alpha dog in our home. I am pretty sure Mango rules the roost around here. Can’t you see her in the background? She was following the leader the whole time.

Is there anything He is telling you to be still about today?

Hiking Toward Home