Thank you for joining me for another Wednesday Wanderings. Today we will wander out to Cape Falcon on the Oregon Coast. Though the trip these photos were taken on were several years ago, I am enjoying reminiscing while I work on preparing them for each post. This day was a day where I definitely stretched myself out of my comfort zone. The pathway down to the “overlook”… The tightly rolled ferns fascinated me, that something so big could come from such a tight little wad.
Our view looking northward is interesting, the patterns in the rocks that form the cliffside are a bit of God’s glory revealed. The majesty and power that formed them is awesome. (and I don’t mean that in valley girl terminology.)
I saw these birds perched out on the end of the cliff and wanted to get a closer shot.
It is flat easy walk out there right?
I got a good shot. Then I looked down to my left. Bad move.
Straight down was nothing but ocean water swirling. One small misstep or stumble … I’m dead. This is where I was standing:
I have never been more willing to drop to my knees and pray… … and very carefully crawl back to a safer spot. My husband took this shot of me testing my limits, before I went as far as I did:
Thankfully, he did not get a shot of me crawling back. Have you done anything lately to test your limits or that scared you half to death or just made you realize what a purely stupid and dangerous thing it was that you just did? Share it with us in the comments!