My Drug of Choice


How Mango spends her days.

I have been going through the Lysa Terkeurst study Made to Crave with a group of ladies at our church.

While listening to others speak about different kinds of addictions related to food, not just the over-eating but also the two extremes that can overtake a person too like not eating or eating and purging it. As the phrase “drug of choice” was thrown into the fray of words, I asked God if I had a “drug of choice” and I was surprised by the answer and immediately realized I had a bigger problem than I wanted to admit to.

We all have something that we turn to instead of doing what we should. That hang-up we keep going back to and can’t seem to get away from, it could be lots of things, over-spending, over-eating, hoarding cats (which I’m sure my husband thinks I suffer from- no wait- I enjoy, He suffers), etc. Addiction comes in all sorts of forms not just drug addiction, alcohol addiction, smoking, vaping and things that are physically bad for you.

What are we not giving up that we know we would be better without?

I’m finding that my drug of choice is not food as I once thought it might have been. I’ve been eating pretty healthy and making good portion choices but there is still something missing that is keeping me from being healthy and reaching my goals.

My Drug of Choice is not that spectacular or shocking.

It’s sitting in my chair.

It’s doing nothing.

It’s sitting still while using excuses like: I’m reading, I’m studying, I’m working on my computer, or I’M BLOGGING…  The reality is: these things are not ACTUALLY being accomplished.

The hard fact is: I am avoiding things that make me move. Grading papers, Doing laundry, Washing dishes, Cleaning the bathroom, Running the vacuum, Dusting the shelves, Unpacking boxes… (Yes, two years after moving in, I am still unpacking.)

There was a time when I needed to be “doing nothing.” A time when I was recovering from depression and I needed to take it slow and rest. However that time has morphed into just being lazy and doing nothing. I no longer feel the weight of the world and the heaviness of depression daily like I once did. Praise Jesus! So that is not a viable reason to still be sitting around and not working and not being active, especially within my own home.

I need to leave my laziness on the alter and ask God to help me kick this addiction.

One of the Fruits of the Spirit is temperance, also known as SELF-CONTROL. I find though that there must be some effort on our part to put it into play. We need to access it and act on it. Prove to ourselves we have it by putting action to it and seeing its benefits change our lives.

Do you have anything you are secretly addicted to?

Will you join me today in kicking our addictions and giving them to God?


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