There is a song that has been on repeat in my head for a few days now.
“Depth of Mercy” as recorded by Selah. (If you want to go listen to it by clicking the link; pause my website music by clicking on the pause button in the top right corner of my header.)
Depth of mercy, can there be
Mercy still reserved for me?
Can my God His wrath forbear me
The chief of sinners, spare?Heaven find me on my knees
Hear my soul’s impassioned plea
Depth of mercy, can there be
Mercy still reserved for me?Now incline me to repent
Let me now my sins lament
Deeply my revolt deplore
Weep, believe and sin no moreHeaven find me on my knees
Hear my soul’s impassioned plea
Depth of mercy, can there be
Mercy still reserved for me?Heaven find me on my knees
Hear my soul’s impassioned plea
Depth of mercy, can there be
Mercy still reserved, mercy still reserved
Mercy still reserved for me?
These words were written by Tony W. Woods and Chad Robert Cates.
As I researched it a bit I have found that much of the lyrics were borrowed from Charles Wesley.
(Which now makes sense why I like the vivid and moving lyrics.)
The word depth makes me think of many things.
It makes me think of the depth of the Grand Canyon.
It makes me think of the depth of the Marianas Trench in the Pacific Ocean.
It makes me think of the depth of space; of the night sky above our heads that goes on forever.
On Sunday morning while I was pondering “depth of mercy,” God brought another facet of depth to my mind. Our worship team sang through their two songs with the worship band and without a bass singer and then they did an “extra” song and my friend Dave joined the group. The third song was sung a cappella and his rich bass voice added depth to the third song that had not been there for the first two songs.
God brought to mind an illustration of this depth of mercy.
Have you ever sat near the crashing waves on the beach and dug a hole in the sand?
As you dig, at some point there appears water at the bottom and no matter how deep you try to dig, there is always water filling the bottom of the hole.
THAT is like God’s mercy.
No matter how deep a hole we dig for ourselves, God’s mercy is always there to meet it. Whether it is a hole we dug or one someone else digs for us and we get stuck in it, God’s mercy is always there filling the bottom of the hole.
Do you need to sink into the depth of God’s mercy today?