Lions and Walls

There was a day where I pulled into the parking lot of a school for my kid’s soccer practice and I stated that I felt like I was walking into a lion’s den. Before I stepped foot outside of the van God reminded me that Daniel came out of his lion’s den alive and scratch free. I walked away from that more confident in my God even though there were deep wounds inflicted on my heart.

Today as I sit and type at 4:30 AM, I woke up telling God I feel like I am facing a brick wall. He reminded me that Joshua’s wall fell down flat and God gave victory, and that it was accomplished because they obeyed God and they simply did as he asked them to do.

God keeps reminding me that he is indeed Good. And that HE never forsakes me. He doesn’t lead me to where he will not go with me. That Romans 8:28 was written to remind me that it is all for good in the long run. I just need to be patient and keep going forward until I hit the finish line, putting one foot in front of the other.

The effectual prayers of a righteous man availeth much.

…they obeyed God and they simply did as he asked them to do.

God has asked me to be a godly wife to my husband and mom to my kids and that is all he has really asked me to be. That means far more than just putting food on the table, schooling the kids, and keeping up with the laundry. It also means setting a good example and keeping God in first place.

What has God asked you to do?

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