Author Archives: Sharon

Still Saturday

 We are His workmanship. Each of us designed specific to be who we are in Christ Jesus. Not one of us like another. We are not like flowers where each flower on the plant is the same. Each of us are unique. “For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which...

Wednesday Wanderings

Let’s take a moment and wander a few pathways to some beautiful waterfalls of the Columbia River Gorge that are along the Historic Columbia River Gorge Highway. Ever wonder where the expression “Where in Sam Hill are you?” Well, there was a man named Samuel Hill. Way back in 1913, he had a vision for...

Where Did It Go?

Summer has almost slipped completely away. In line with what seems to happen every. single. summer…  I haven’t done any of the projects I had set aside to do during “summer break”. It has been a very busy summer, filled up with camping, trips to the beach, youth camp and time at my parents so...

Hiking Toward Home