Author Archives: Sharon

Picking Up The Brush (Peggys Cove Lighthouse, Painting #1)

Earlier this year I finally picked up a brush again. I painted three small 8 x 10 canvases using acrylic. My first was Peggy’s Cove Lighthouse in Nova Scotia, Canada. I painted from a photo that I had taken back in 2009. The day my dad and I visited Peggy’s Cove in 2009, it had been...

The Depth of Mercy

There is a song that has been on repeat in my head for a few days now. “Depth of Mercy” as recorded by Selah. (If you want to go listen to it by clicking the link; pause my website music by clicking on the pause button in the top right corner of my header.) Depth of...

Pigment On Paper; Art Journey, Part 7

I know. “Part 7” Seems like overkill. I was about to publish a post about the paintings I did this past spring and it just didn’t seem right to leave a huge gap in the story. After the Relevant 2010, hearing Ann equate being creative to worshipping God, I went home and wrote an article...

Girl Meets Change {a book review}

Back in 2010 I attended my first blogging conference. It was called Relevant back then. It was for Christian women bloggers. I went not knowing anyone. On the very first night of the conference I had the pleasure of meeting Kristen Strong. She sat opposite of me at the dinner table that night. She and...

Hiking Toward Home