Friday Flowers: Pink Dahlia

pinkdahlThis past Saturday a dear friend and I went to nearby gardens so that she could take portraits of me, which is an unusual position for me.

I am used to being behind the camera, not in front of it.

So as I snap photos of flowers, she snapped photos of me.

wendyofmeshtngwtrls I had the better subject matter.

So from my garden wanderings last Saturday I bring you today’s Friday Flowers.

There is something about the dew on the petals…

DSC_0101   DSC_0102   DSC_0105   I have always liked waterlilies but dahlias are starting to gain some traction in my “favorites” category.   DSC_0100   DSC_0099   DSC_0096


Both flowers have that “light within” sort of thing going for them. I think that is one reason I like them so much.


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 As Christians, we are similar to these dahlias and waterlilies,

         ….for we hold THE LIGHT within.

Wednesday Wanderings, Oregon, Part 3

We continue our wandering up the Columbia River Gorge in Oregon.

So far we have viewed the Columbia River Gorge from Chanticleer Point.

We have visited Latourell Falls, Shepherds Dell Falls, and Bridal Veil Falls.

Today let’s wander over to Multnomah Falls.

Multnomah Falls is the most spectacular of the falls along this scenic highway. It is also the most photographed one as well. It is so popular it has its own visitor center. If you pick up a calendar of American waterfalls, you can almost guarantee that this waterfall will be among the ones featured.

Looking up:



The first splashdown:




A look downstream:



Farther away:



Up close:



And my favorite, from across the parking lot across the road:






Still Saturday

 We are His workmanship.

Each of us designed specific to be who we are in Christ Jesus.

Not one of us like another.

We are not like flowers where each flower on the plant is the same.

Each of us are unique.


For we are his workmanship,

created in Christ Jesus unto good works,

which God hath before ordained

that we should walk in them.”

~Ephesians 2:10

Enjoy who God made you uniquely to be.


Linking up with Sandra Heska King


Sandra Heska King - Still Saturday

Hiking Toward Home