Wednesday Wanderings

Let’s take a moment and wander a few pathways to some beautiful waterfalls of the Columbia River Gorge that are along the Historic Columbia River Gorge Highway.


Ever wonder where the expression “Where in Sam Hill are you?”

Well, there was a man named Samuel Hill.

Way back in 1913, he had a vision for a scenic highway to be built paralleling the Columbia River so that people could enjoy the beauty of nature.

He was a “good roads” enthusiast. He apparently loved a good country afternoon drive and was the driving force behind designing and getting this highway built.

In the next photo you get a view of the river gorge from the spot where the committee decided that Sam Hill was right and that a highway must be built.

So lets enjoy some of the nature his road allowed us to photograph.

Enjoy this Wednesday Wanderings…



Where Did It Go?

Summer has almost slipped completely away.

DSC_0364In line with what seems to happen every. single. summer…  I haven’t done any of the projects I had set aside to do during “summer break”.

It has been a very busy summer, filled up with camping, trips to the beach, youth camp and time at my parents so the kids can swim.

I feel like I can’t catch my breath.

We are already started into fall with soccer practice having already started for the youngest. Volleyball for the oldest is about to start.

I am already staring down the double-barrel of a new school year. YIKES!!

I always think I will blog more in the summertime when the kids are not doing school.

It never seems to work out that way; summer activities always somehow end up superseding my blogging.

I have so many ideas to put into action here in this space and yet I can never find enough time.

I have an abundance of flower photos in my portfolio.

I am going to attempt a regular feature of posting flower photos on Fridays.

I want to come up with a name for it.

So- if you have any snazzy ideas, leave them in the comments or over on the Hiking Toward Home Facebook page.

Today’s Friday flower shots…

An Artist For God’s Glory

I have been reading through Restless by Jennie Allen along side of doing the dvd study with a group of ladies in my home. This week we were challenged to dig and think about the natural abilities and talents God gave us and dream about how the Lord could use them for his Glory.

This study comes along at the perfect time for me as I have been searching this very thing out over the last few months. I am still peeling off the layers of other’s opinions concerning my art and seeking to hear from the Lord about the talent he blessed me with.

As I was reading last night I, Jennie’s words brought me to James 1:17 emphasizing that my artistic talent IS GOOD.

Every good and perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father of lights, with whom is no variableness neither shadow of turning.”

I know the definition of “variableness” but was challenged to look it up in Noah’s 1828 (one of my favorite books) and find out what he had to say about it.

A few of his definitions included “susceptibility of change; aptness to alter; inconstancy; fickleness”; and “unsteadiness.”

The word fickleness jumped at me. Probably due to the fact that it is not a word we use on a daily basis.

The talents/gifts I have been blessed with (singing and art) are gifts given by God and he did not give them to me on a whim.

He blessed me with them. Period.

He did not do it out of a fickle emotion but a precise planned design as part of who I am and who God made me to be.

DSC_0171So how can God use these natural talents for his glory? How does he, will he, use them supernaturally for his purposes?

I don’t know.

What I do know is that I am to work at my art. Put time into perfecting my talent as an artist, photographer, watercolorist, and vocalist for I find myself coming back to these verses…

“If any man minister, let him do it as of the ability which God giveth: that God in all things maybe glorified through Jesus Christ, to whom be praise and dominion for ever and ever.” 1 Peter 4:11

“Whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God.” 1 Corinthians 10:31

“Why is my liberty judged of another man’s conscience? For if I by grace [do my art] why am I evil spoken of for that for which I give thanks?


I am to use my God-given gift to glorify him. Therefore, I will use my artistic talents to show the beauty of the world God created through nature photography and painting.

Who am I?

Sharon ~ An Artist for God’s Glory

A Quote To Remember

As I sat and listened to H. B. Charles preach, one thing jumped out at me the most.

As one who for so many years doubted my salvation in Christ and struggled with legalism, this one quote stuck in my head and I’m glad it didn’t leave.

It is one I want to keep in the forefront when remembering great quotes I’ve heard.

“What God begins [your salvation] by the Spirit cannot be completed by the flesh.”

~in reference to Philippians 1:6

waterdropGod finishes what HE starts.

Praise. The. Lord.

It was a fresh drop of water to a soul who thirsts after Jesus, my Living Water.


Giving thanks for the multitude:

1911. lily pads

1912. the way silvery drops of water that roll around on the top of lily pads

1913. the scent of honeysuckle

1914. brilliant feathers representing the three primary colors; indigo buntings, goldfinches, and cardinals

1915. Mango stays close to my side while thunder rolls and lightening flashes

1916. clear pools

1917. the smell of chlorine in their hair

1918. peanut butter sandwiches with fresh made strawberry jam, shared in good company

1919. hanging out with girlfriends who walk with God

1920. painting with The Piano Guys blaring from the speakers

1921. music that keeps your foot tapping

1922. hearing her father pray over her as she prepares to go to the mission field

1923. the dishwasher is finally fixed

1924. sitting on the porch in the cool of the morning

1925. transplanted hosta beginning to bloom

Hiking Toward Home