Gratitude List
1243. A good friend to have theological discussions with
1244. teachers to fellowship and share testimonies with, of God’s working in their lives, past and present
1245. It truly wasn’t me
1246. the company of two dogs
1247. how she works hard to wedge her nose under your hand or arm, Carmel, how she comes and lays her head on your lap, her total devotion, -and shouldn’t we be that way with Christ?
1248. Mango running her energy out while running circles in the backyard
1249. Mango chasing her tail… and catching it then going after it in the other direction
1250. the hum of the washing machine
1251. the quiet thumping of clothes in the dryer
1252. teenagers who make and adult feel welcome
1253. girls laughing
1254. husband who prays and texts messages of encouragement
1255. boys roasting marshmallows
1256. she requests David Nevue from the backseat
1257. canoes tipping…
1258. giggling girls
1259. a lake of very cold water
1260. black walnuts falling to the green carpet
1261. …a green carpet strewn with discarded yellow
1262. the smell of dinner cooking in the camp mess hall
1263. a son coming to tell me he discoverd the camp coffee shop
1264. a ‘campfire latte’, warmth swallowed down
1265. offered free of charge, “a mistake”
1266. wooden bench
1267. circle of light … Light
1268. softness of flannel
1269. crisp fall leaves the size of dinner plates
1270. a heater that works
1271. beautiful countryside
1272. various crops, planted in a way as to make stripes across hills and valleys
1273. iced coffee
1274. jacket, found and returned
1275. a cabin full of girls
1276. a teenager quick to listen and obey without questioning, even though she’d been awakened at 2:00 AM
1277. potential catastrophe avoided
1278. text messages from girlfriends which make me explode into laughter
1279. he missed me
1280. there was an extra jumper to borrow, rescuing me from a problem
1281. quietness
1282. “How Deep the Father’s Love For Us”
1283. teens willing to have an adult join in the fun
1284. knowing I’m not alone
1285. the opportunity to serve on the hospitality team
1286. fog
1287. pumpkin spice white chocolate dunkin’ donuts lattes with a special friend
1288. her choosing to spend time with me
1289. trips to the post office…
1290. …via the scenic route
1291. cut hair in circles on the floor
1292. Candles burning
1293. time chatting with girlfriends
1294. Friend picking up kids from school
1295. foil in my hair
1296. highlights AND lowlights
1297. Royal Farms chicken, fresh and hot
1298. hoar frost thick on grass and limb
1299. hoar frost melting off a housetop in the morning sunshine, creating a steam cloud so thick that it looked like the roof was on fire
1300. Girls night with my girls
1301. snuggled up on the couch watching Road to Avonlea
1302. blueberry cobbler coffee
1303. Boys coming home dirty from an overnight in the woods
1304. phone call inviting us to a bonfire
1305. bonfires- REALLY BIG ONES
1306. she’s happy and her blog’s feed is fixed
1307. waking up to quiet, not an alarm blaring
1308. hoarfrost melting as the sun creeps, chases the shadows away
1309. Mr. K stopping by with his mower and helping us get the lawn done in record time
1310. boys finding a salamander under a board in the yard
1311. delicious BBQ ribs
1312. kids enjoying the zoo
1313. sunlight stripes across my desk
1314. soap bubbles in her hair
1315. her sharing some of her walk with me, so many similarities with my hike
1316. spending a day with a friend while herding children through the maze of animal habitats
1317. artic fox, white and snoozing
1318. the giggling of little boys sliding downward
1319. the scent of campfire lingering in her curls
1320. Green trees with red tipped branches
1321. the smell of real leather
1322. the Mall in Washington, D.C. lined with yellow and orange trees
1323. crisp fall weather
1324. teens giving a Saturday to be witness for Christ, sharing the gospel through drama
1325. a crowd gathering there on the mall amidst historic museums and monumnents
1326. Good friends and hearing them sing for the Lord with the Capital in the background
1327. Google Maps on my phone
1328. riding the metro with her, sharing a pair of earbuds
1329. listening to a teen share her heart and her burden for missions
1330. her excitement in her voice and the broad smile flashing as she speaks of answered prayer
1331. an afternoon playing soccer with family and friends
1332. Hearing a choir director share her testimony of God speaking to her heart about obedience in the small things
1333. God’s peace overtaking anxiety
1334. cool clear water on bare skin; stream walking with the kids
1335. bald eagle flying low over our heads
1336. clear night air
1337. the brilliance of innumerable stars in a dark country sky
1338. watching meteors slice white across the blackness
1339. the warmth of Mango snuggled up against my feet in the cold night air
1340. the look on her face when she realized who our roommate was
1341. Being remembered, and her sincerely asking how I am
1342. Laughing so hard with Julie and Danielle that my sides and face hurt
1343. Jessica Kirkland blessing Danielle with a ticket to Allume
1344. finding the perfect piece of art for a special teacher
1345. and he loved it! (and it perfectly matching the color already on his office walls)
1346. meeting Phil Vischer, hearing his testimony
1347. the yellow leaves bright against the black pavement, fallen from trees lining old city streets
1348. meeting Mary DeMuth, hearing her talk about writing
1349. catching up in real life with so many online/blog friends
1350. $50 gift card to Starbucks
1351. only 6″ of water from Sandy
1352. the inside of the cottage, nice and dry
1353. fog settled in valleys, orange and red peaking through
1354. littlest singing hymns
1355. Littlest singing “Trust and Obey”
1356. carnations filling the vase
1357. their scent filling the room
1358. hearing her testimony about her daughter’s health issues
1359. the story of William Tyndale’s life
1360. the work he accomplished
1361. an unexpected income
1362. text messages of encouraging verses of scripture
1363. encouraging words
1364. two deer bouncing across open shorn fields
1365. Brilliant Japanese Maple still full of orange
1366. gift certificates
1367. an evening with close friends, dressed to the nines
1368. clean laundry
1369. her depth of biblical knowledge, pretty deep for a teenager
1370. she knows what she believes
1371. she knows what she stands for
1372. she knows why – scripturally
1373. a quiet morning alone at Longwood Gardens
1374. rehearsals that go smoothly
1375. songs learned easily
1376. a good landlord, quick to respond
1377. Beth Moore’s Study of James with a sweet friend
1378. my youngest happily spinning in hand-me-down-Hannas
1379. My playwriting daughter, confidently writing a skit
1380. … which she and her classmates performed for a full audience
1381. His confident well-expressed words clearly spoken with expression
1382. borrowed beaded dress
1383. cleaned up attic
1384. new outside lighting
1385. an unexpected paycheck
1386. Ever Grateful dishes, saved $588!!, yippee!!
1387. giving her my dishes
1388. she’s giving her dishes to him
1389. owl swooping down low over the road in front of me
1390. Red tailed hawk
1391. a pastor who listens to concerns and questions and takes them seriously
1392. Realizing I don’t have to defend myself for simply asking a question
1393. He’s enjoying 1,000 Gifts
1394. the girls writing in their gratitude journals on their own
1395. Mango constantly dropping her ball on my lap-desk trying to get my attention
1396. Colorful tie-dyed shirt
1397. freshly painted fingernails
1398. freshly cut hair
1399. Carmel freshly bathed and combed
1400. Tim Hawkin’s Insanitized making us laugh hard
1401. a basket full of “out-dated” food
1402. Thanksgiving baskets
1403. cream-clouds billowing up in my morning coffee
1404. listening to her breath while she sleeps close by
1405. the kids wanting to stay up and read
1406. the smell of coconut shampoo lingering in her hair
1407. the dogs were so well-behaved at Pet Day
1408. His love for me and for loving me as Christ loves his church and sticks by me even when I walk the valley’s of depression
1409. Steven Curtis Chapman’s “Go There With You” bringing grateful tears for #1408
1410. the portrait photos turning out well
1411. Good clear sunny weather
1412. spending an afternoon with a new friend
1413. a parrot that sings “Jesus loves me” and yells “praise the LORD”
1414. her wanting to get to know me and my kids
1415. a clean attic (still) for the girls to play in
1416. the softness of the fur on Carmel’s chest
1417. Mango’s head and ears so soft
1418. white Christmas lights
1419. Christmas music
1420. Children decorating the tree
1421. it was only the pot that broke
1422. bookcases: moved
1423. I found my David Nevue cds! 😀
1424. fife and drum Christmas music, a family favorite, by the Middlesex County Volunteers
1425. she still wants to snuggle up close as she falls asleep
1426. watching the original Muppet Movie with the kids
1427. both girls snuggled up close while watching a movie
1428. kleenax offered along with a comforting hand on my shoulder
