As I look back at my struggle, I have made a few observations.
One contributing factor to my doubting is growing up spiritually in a legalistic environment. Constantly being bombarded by statements such as, “If you are not doing X, Y, and Z’ then you are probably not saved and you better check your salvation.”
That constant murmur had quietly built a stronghold within me that the Enemy used to hinder my walk and keep me in bondage to fear. It was a stronghold that needed to be demolished.
I realized that ‘X, Y, and Z’ were never things that John put on his ‘checklist’ in the book of 1 John. They were a man made list that did not line up with what God’s Word tells us in 1 John.
To bring a sort of finality to this struggle, I went forward on a Sunday evening during the invitation. I wanted to thank God for the simplicity of the gospel, that he never abandons me, and not only hears my pleas but answers them as well.
No sooner did my knees hit the ground, one of the Associate Pastor’s wives knelt beside me, wrapped her arm tightly around me and silently prayed for me. That she, filled with compassion, would come alongside and fervently pray for me was overwhelming and brought tears to my eyes.
“I sought the LORD, and he heard me, and delivered me from all my fears.” ~Psalm 34:4
1121. School for next year provided for
1122. the simplicity of the gospel
1123. a church that cultivates the godly people that unknowingly have helped me in this struggle.
1124. for solid biblical counsel from trusted friends.
1125. for mature Christians who sincerely care about others.
1126. for my God who leads me through the valley, step by step. And with each step, the Holy Spirit reveals truths in His Word.
1127. for my God who brings us through trial and testings of our faith to make us stronger and bring us closer to Him.
1128. God brought us to this church, this environment, to heal, to grow, and to be part of is an overwhelming blessing.
This environment? Ahh… Well now, that is going to need its own post… maybe an unofficial part 4.
Linking up with Ann today.

Linked up with Denise as well.

Linked up also with Emily.