{Philippians 4:8}
Linking up with Deidra

1031. Her confidence to do something new…
1032. and she did a great job!
1033. A boy and his dog
1034. Popcorn
1035. A date out with my oldest daughter
1036. Mango iced tea
1037. Rays of sunshine bursting through dark clouds
1038. His creativity
1039. Chicken Adobo…
1040. and the one who taught me how to make it.
1041. Static- electricity and what it does to her hair
1042. Shrimp paella cooked by my Mom
1043. Dinner cooked for me
1044. A love note left on my phone by my daughter
1045. My oldest son noticed the sky – early morning sunlight illuminating the underneath of a vast thick cloud layer
1046. Noticeable progress made
1047. She knew what had crossed my mind…
1048. and responded with comfort without a word spoken.
1049. figured out how to do something I’ve been needing to do for a long time: back up my blog! (Go do it if you haven’t!)
God has blessed each of us with differing gifts.
“Having differing gifts according to the grace that is given to us…”
~Romans 12:6
This applies to the differences between me and those around me, the differences between my children, and differences between the blogger and her fellow bloggers.
We should be encouraging one another in what God has gifted us to do, not sit back and be privately jealous, envious, or judgmental of others talents, websites, and blogs for these are all rooted in pride.
“Wherefore receive ye one another, as Christ also received us to the glory of God.”
~Romans 15:7
God created each of us with those talents to glorify Himself. He also created us for HIS pleasure not necessarily the pleasure of others.
Don’t look to those around you for confirmation. Look to Him. Is He in what you are pursuing? Yes? Then He will bless it and lead the way.
Let’s get focused on encouraging each other instead of comparing our selves, our blogs, and our lives with one another.
THAT is what will bring glory to Our Savior and God.
“Thou art worthy, O Lord,
to receive glory and honour and power:
for thou hast created all things,
and for thy pleasure they are and were created.”
~Revelation 4:11
Is there anyone you could encourage today? Leave them a comment of encouragement regarding the gifting God has blessed them with.
Is there anyone that encourages you? Share their blog URL with us or a particular post that has been encouraging to you. I look forward to reading your suggestions.
Linked up today with Michelle at SomeGirl’sWebsite for Thought Provoking Thursday.
Confession: This post was written to myself. I have found myself feeling a bit “left out” as I watch so many of my favorite bloggers come together to create Sisters In Bloom as they seek to encourage women. I wish them all the best and success with their new endeavor. Go check them out!:-)
Whosoever drinketh of this water shall thirst again:
But whosoever drinketh of the water
that I shall give him shall never thirst
but the water that I shall give him
shall be in him a well of water
springing up into everlasting life.
~John 4: 13 & 14~
Linked up today with:
Deidra at
I just watched Jon Acuff’s video on Thinking. Go here to see it.
I also just read Scary Hope by Gary Morland. (Oh, and by the way he is Emily’s dad.)
Both articles are things that fit right into what I am aiming at this year.
Need some encouragement to follow that dream?
I wrote about part of my goal last year and life interrupted it in a major way.
Oh, and my life always needs a soundtrack.
What’s on repeat in my home, car, and life right now? (and even the kids are singing it and listening to it and have most of the songs memorized…)
Image of God by Christa Wells & Nicole Witt
Frame the Clouds by Christa Wells
Hope of the Broken World by Selah
As a matter of fact, my kids downstairs just started blasting “You’ve Got a Home” by Christa Wells. (on Frame the Clouds)
Both of Christa Wells cds can be found in her online store.
[I have not been compensated for my opinions here. :-)]