Almost Missed It

The Compassion Bloggers are writing again, from Ecuador this time.

(It is almost ironic that they are there the very same week a team from our church are there too. Our pastor was blessed to meet the last living Auca Indian who took part in the murdering of Nate Saint and Jim Elliot. In his eighties, he is now Chief of his tribe and a follower of Christ, won to the Lord through the work of the widows of the men murdered.)

And so I log onto the computer that I have avoided for weeks now due to depression, packing, a blogging conference, and moving, (in that order) only to find that for almost a week now Shaun, Ann and her Farmer, and a few others are writing heart-wrenching words that bring a longing to participate and sign up every face in each photo.

I read Ann’s words amid boxes piled high, of children waiting 3 years for a sponsor, of the Farmer going along and getting blessed, and of Hope, the child and that given through Compassion.

I worry where to put what while she has only two beds and dirt.

She rents and hangs pig feed sacks where glass, screen and two inch faux wood blinds painted white hang in my rented window frames.

She longs for her children to be sponsored and receive the three meals a week, while I read Ann’s words and then stand with tears streaming, staring into my pantry -stocked, looking for mac-n-cheese to make for one of mine who whines that she is hungry when, truly, she doesn’t know hunger. All the while the hunger to do more gnaws at my heart.

I have seen Compassion through the grateful eyes of the mother of a sponsored child.

Won’t you click over and sponsor a child today?

Compassion Bloggers: Ecuador 2011


Happy Veterans Day

My family is full of veterans.

My husband.

My father.

My father-in-law.

My brother.

My cousin. Pray for him, he is currently “over there”.

Thank you to all the veterans who have served.

Gratitude: Worship

As my pastor preached yesterday about worship and how true worship comes from gratitude,

I smiled wide and wrote…

“gratitude listing = worship.”

Join me in worship…

Thank you Heavenly Father for…

967. “I like puddles.” she says from her perch in the aft of the van…

968. “know what’s the best thing about puddles is that they splash.”

969. early morning drive down Basin Run Road

970. gold leaves, red leaves, orange leaves

971. playgrounds

972. brilliant yelllow, deep purple, and brick red mums, huddled around steps and tree trunks, thumbing their noses at the drabness of the coming gray of winter

973. bright blue sky peeking from behind ominous looking dark gray clouds

974. quiet house…

975. … fire… snapping… crackling… popping… and sizzling

976. … started by my love, before he heads off to work

977. peaceful melodies of David Nevue infusing a spirit of rest and calm into body, mind, and home

978. silky blond hair softly brushing my cheek

979. …as she climbs into my lap…

980. …”good morning mommy” whispered quiet

981. he tells me to wait until morning light before I begin to drive homeward

982. clear dry roads

983. the unexpected snow

984. trees aflame with color, standing tall in fields, looking shocked, with snow plastering one side, as if a whipped cream pie had been thrown in their face

985. sunny yellow leaves fallen atop frozen crystals of snow

986. hoarfrost this very morning…

987. and now “seven”…

Linked up with Ann today. Join in and count your gifts.

Light For Your Hike, Day 15


“…but he that is of a merry heart hath a continual feast.”

~Proverbs 15:15


“A merry heart doeth good like a medicine”

~Proverbs 17:21

Is your heart merry today?

What can be done to help if it isn’t?

Feel free to leave prayer requests in the comments below

and know they will be brought before the Lord.

Light For Your Hike, Day 14


There is no fear in love;

but perfect love casteth out fear:

because fear hath torment.

He that feareth is not made perfect in love.”

~1 John 4:18


Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound,
That saved a wretch like me.
I once was lost but now am found,
Was blind, but now, I see.

T’was Grace that taught…
my heart to fear.
And Grace, my fears relieved.
How precious did that Grace appear…
the hour I first believed.

Through many dangers, toils and snares…
we have already come.
T’was Grace that brought us safe thus far…
and Grace will lead us home.

The Lord has promised good to me…
His word my hope secures.
He will my shield and portion be…
as long as life endures.

When we’ve been here ten thousand years…
bright shining as the sun.
We’ve no less days to sing God’s praise…
then when we’ve first begun.

Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound,
That saved a wretch like me….
I once was lost but now am found,
Was blind, but now, I see.


To read more about Fear Vs. Trust, click here.


Hiking Toward Home