Light For Your Hike, Day 1

Welcome to 31 Days of Light for your Hike!



When life feels like it is spinning out of control…

“Be still, and know that I am God…”

~Psalm 46:10

Does life ever feel like it is spinning out of control?

Like you just want to stop and get off the ride?

Seek to be still before God and let Him take control.


I am participating in “31 Days of…” being hosted by the Nester.

There are many different blogs writing “31 days of…” posts,

on many different subjects, throughout the month of October.

(So many that I am #184!!)

Click here to go visit the page where the links can be found.

Coming Soon! 31 Days of Light for your Hike

Nester has designed a 31 Days of… Linky Party for the MONTH of October.

I have been praying about how I could participate here at Hiking Toward Home.

I want to join in but only by the Lord’s leading. I don’t want to hike a trail He isn’t on with me.

I have had a very dry spell in my blogging lately and have been praying, asking Him for wisdom about how to get out of my fog and back to hiking.

HE woke me up this morning with…

A verse and a view.

A verse from the Word and a view from my hike.

My eyes popped open while blog post ideas were running through my head. I couldn’t sleep, I had to get them written down so I wouldn’t forget them. I don’t have all 31 of them complete but I do believe He has given me enough that I am supposed to do this. He even blessed me with a title and idea for the button! (happy dance!)


Love it? I DO!!

This is how it works. I write everyday the entire 31 days of October. (Yes, a new post everyday… and somedays maybe two, ’cause I am already planning on getting my gratitude listing back on track!)

My theme for the month is Light for your Hike. Each day I will have some Light from God’s Word to help you along your hike.

I’ll meet you back here tomorrow! and for the next 31 days…


What Do You See?

Do you see him?


I couldn’t resist taking a photo of him sitting there so happily.


She had no idea he was perched there. No one around her noticed him.


As we stood in line for the ferris wheel, there he sat, for almost ten minutes.

He eventually moved on to a higher perch, to get a better view. I guess.

Lest you think I am a meany for not saying anything to her, a few things in my defence:

1. I was really far away. (I have a new appreciation for my camera’s telephoto feature. Considering how far away I was, I am a bit surprised at the crispness of the focus.)

2. It probably would have freaked her out.

3. People may have laughed at her and she could have been emotionally scarred for life.

4. Not one person with her or around her even noticed him sitting there, so why should I cause so much mayhem?

5. Did I mention I was really far away?


Measuring My Children


I now have a Jolly Rancher, a Twizzler, a Hershey’s milk chocolate, and a Reece’s peanut butter cup.

Every one of them became a NEW candy this year.

They are getting so tall while time marches on.


Hiking Toward Home