In Need of Color

So this week while I have been recuperating at my parents house, I have been staring at the beautiful flowers and colors in their yard and am aching to add some color to the home we are living in now.
The yard that surrounds our current home has been forsaken for a long time. It is crying out for some attention that I just have not had time to give yet. Not only that but I have never had a yard to plan for, dig in, or plant in so, being completely inexperienced, I have not been in a hurry either.
There are flower gardens in the front and they desperately need to be completely dug up and started over.
In my front beds I would love to put wild flowers, perennials, some pops of color.
Here are some things I would like to find in my yard…

From my parents backyard…
I recently visited a friend whose flower beds are gorgeous and she has offered to help me with my adventure into gardening. The following are from her garden.
I especially like this one, with the exception of the words, it is Straight Out Of The Camera. I am sort of old school I guess and it makes me happy to have a great shot that does not have to be messed with digitally.

I am really hoping to add some color to our yard soon. The artist in me needs more color!!

NOT Hiking

So my family went hiking to one of my favorite places today.
I did not join them.
I sat.
In the parking lot.
In a chair.
Waiting for them to return.
Because of this:
Which is because of this:
A giant slip-n-slide, 100′ long.
Which was tremendous fun!
Out of about 75 people, I am the only who walked away limping.
My Mom, who has a more permanently messed up leg than mine, sat with me.
While waiting their return I read her book.
And enjoyed my visitor, who stayed for quite some time…
My oldest, feeling sorry for me,
brought me something to photograph,
an end off a broken pine cone.
She has a good eye. I like the pattern.

Perfect Pitch… the Bigger Picture

Bigger Picture Moment

Many years ago, when I was a younger mom, I made a really dumb comment about my little one not being able to sing Jesus Loves Me on pitch or even with the right timing.

Thankfully, God leveled my pride to the ground one day when He allowed me to completely train wreck that very song during Sunday morning worship service a few months later. It was so bad, that for the first time ever, I did not even attempt recovery, I just put the microphone down and walked away. As I was walking down the aisle back to my seat the Holy Spirit reminded me of what I had so foolishly said about my child. It was a lesson learned.

God reminded me of that incident last night as we were riding in our van and the kids were singing together. The one I had ridiculed sang out strong and clear, perfect pitch and timing. I smiled.

So often we get in such a hurry to get them to learn it now. We want to see a difference right away instead of waiting on God to make changes, in their hearts and lives, in the way only He can.

I was reminded again of His loooooooooooooong suffering, patience, and grace toward me. That I must only trust Him for they are in His hands and are His children more than they are mine.

I am linking up to to Bigger Picture Moments today. Thank you to the ladies hosting this time of stepping back and looking at the bigger picture that is life.

Creativity Bootcamp- Day 13 “Smile”

Today is the final day of Boot Camp with Meagan. I have really enjoyed the daily task of being creative. It has been fun for me to illustrate a word each day. My kids are going to miss it. Every morning at breakfast they ask what today’s word is. I have got to find a way to keep this up!

Today’s word is ‘smile’. This evening we had my husband’s children’s Sunday School class over to the parsonage for a pizza party and fun.  The kids earned their pizza by washing the church van. Carmel was very happy to be sprayed by the hose. This dog loves water. Can’t you see her smiling?

And then I captured this one:
…and I just knew: God had given me the shot.

Creativity Bootcamp- Day 12 "Smooth"

Today’s Creativity Boot Camp prompt is “smooth”.
First, I thought of a freshly ironed shirt. But I found it far too plain and the wind kicked up and made photographing it a difficult chore.
Then I thought of my sons cheeks. He has got the smoothest softest cheeks that just make me want to kiss all over them.
Then I thought of Carmel. The hair on her chest is very smooth and silky to run your hand over. I decided that was more soft than smooth after getting her to cooperate and getting the good shot.
Then I thought of my rocks. These aren’t just any rocks. They are my Maine rocks, collected over many years of visiting that beautiful shoreline. I enjoy holding these rocks in my hand because of their smoothness.
Folks in the Philippines thought I was a bit buang crazy to have a rock collection.
My favorite of the day:
All caught up.

Hiking Toward Home