When we moved back to the states we sold the washer to a good friend…
SHE found a SNAKE in it!!!
Click on over there and read some other ‘flashback stories’.
SHE found a SNAKE in it!!!
Have I said yet how much I love this dog?
I would not want to imagine life without her.
She is so attentive. She hangs on every word.
Her eyes, well, they just capture you. They invite you to tell her all your secrets because, unlike the Bush’s Baked Beans Dog, …she is very trust-worthy and will never gossip. Her eyes are so full of sympathy and it is like she is looking deep into your soul when you lock eyes with her. She will sit for long periods of time staring into your face just waiting for you to return the look.
We decided to add to the spoiling process and get her a new pad for her crate for Christmas.
I think she liked it.
AND a new dog bed. We bought the kind with sides because she loved her plastic tub in the Philippines so much. However we bought one WAY TOO BIG. Yup, it would fit a GREAT DANE. Oh well, she loves it and, well, we sort of plan on adopting a daughter for her some time in the next few months so she will have room to share. She and Butterscotch used to share the same tub. (see the two-headed dog photo in this post)
Carmel became even MORE spoiled and is now an INSIDE pooch. Now that we have moved, we are in a home with hardwood floors.
…Hardwood floors + dog ≈ Bambi on ice.
I almost feel sorry for her.
As I sat staring at the Christmas tree, trying to gather my thoughts together all in one place, something seemed kinda odd. The tree has been decorated for days now…
but there seemed to be some new ornaments added which had not been there before. Four of them to be exact. All identical. They seemed to be laughing at me and having a grand old time dangling from their respective branches. Apparently, some plastic monkeys had escaped from their blue plastic barrel and were swingin’ their way up the tree.
As I sat there staring at them they brought my thoughts to settle on trying to decide which one of my snuggle-bugs had placed them there. For surely my husband had not added them, nor my parents and certainly not the dog, as amazing and wonderful as our Carmel is…
It helped me stop and appreciate and be thankful for the blessing of my little ones and their creative imaginations. I unwrapped a blessing in that moment. The small and unexpected that helped me appreciate that God has blessed us with four of these snuggle-bugs and that they have wonderful minds full of creative ideas and they all have a great sense of humor. Even the littlest. And you should hear her giggle!!!
When we lived in the Philippines, God brought us a wonderful Golden Retriever named Carmel. She was named after missionary Amy Carmichael but CARMichaEL was too long so …it eventually transformed into Carmel. She became a dessert topping when we got a second one and named her Butterscotch, which was often shortened to Butter by my daughter…. thankfully, it did not shorten to Butt.
When we moved back to the states our dogs suffered a bit of culture shock. They had doggie culture shock in the form of seeing fuzzy rat-like creatures with fluffy tails that could run straight up a tree and tight-rope walk on the utility wires above the yard. Squirrels were a new thing to chase, very different from the rats and snakes they were accustomed to. They had lived mostly on cement so a huge yard full of green grass was a new experience too. They went from being 100% OUTDOOR dogs to being spoiled high-maintenance divas, thanks to my parents. They settled quite comfortably into being furry-grandchildren.
Butterscotch was not doing well even before we moved stateside. She had an enlarged heart and an enlarged liver, we knew ahead of time she would not be long with us. She did a great job growing grass this fall.
Carmel, now playing the card of sad-dog-in-mourning,
became even more of a WUSS, aided by her ever-dotting grandparents. She was given a comfy fleece bed complete with pillowed-edge. Although it was second-hand to her, she dove onto it the first time it was dropped on the floor and claimed it as her own.
As the weather turned cold, her non-fuzzy sister bought her a pink cable-knit sweater complete with sparkly silver thread throughout, for she was a tropical dog and not used to such extreme temperatures as 65℉.
A few days ago, the weather grew colder and the forecasters started talking about white stuff falling from the sky …a lot of it …A LOT OF IT.
So, Carmel had her first experience with the stuff we call SNOW. If it is possible to sink from Wuss to Wimp … she did it. No, you will not be seeing Carmel working as a model-dog for L.L.Bean any time soon. She will never make her parents rich that way for she has made up her mind to NOT LIKE SNOW. She was shoved outside, expected to follow the kids lead and the spectacular example of the fur-kids in the yard next door. She would have nothing to do with it. She was dragged to the middle of the yard on a leash and she sat down and refused to romp, bound, or catch snowballs. There she sat in DEEP SNOW up to her chin.
The whimpering began and she, in fact, became a WIMP.
The dog once bragged on for being a JOCK is now a WIMP.
BUT- she is such a cuddly wimp, so soft and fuzzy and good with her non-fuzzy sisters and brothers. She is willing to be a pillow,
…except when it involves cold wet white stuff fallen from the sky.