Category Archives: Art

Stepping Out Of The Box: Art Journey, Part 5

In 2007 the Lord started opening our eyes. It was a long slow process but as we came home on furlough we started to see our home church and certain supporting churches with different eyes. Or rather we started to hear the messages with fresh ears and comparing them to scripture and finding that so...

Same Message; Different Messenger

A few weeks ago my teens went to Youth Camp with our church. A friend of mine and I decided to go up and visit camp for the day and stay for the evening preaching. I was looking forward to seeing and hearing JC Groves preach again. The sermon topic was “Consuming Worship” and how worshiping...

Saved and Trapped All At Once: Art Journey, Part 4

So that guy I had a crush on that didn’t like me too much… well, lets just say I changed his mind.  And he helped to change mine too, but I will get to that later. Though he may have thought me to be a monster while helping to get the Student Art show juried...

The College Years: Art Journey, Part 3

I shared some with you all about my college in my last post about how much I hated high school. Though I discussed college a little bit. I ran across some old photos from that time that I have decided to share. This is the first painting I ever sold. I painted it while taking Painting...

Hiking Toward Home