Category Archives: Blogging

Grab One For Yourself!!

Thank you to everyone who responded to my last post and its questions. It helped me think things through more. I decided to rid myself of affiliate links that were gathering more “dust” than moolah and decluttered in the process. I also want to thank those of you who answered my questions about making a...

Welcome! Welcome! Come On In!!

So glad to have you in my new home! In celebrating my blog’s 2nd Blogiversary and my 40th birthday I decided to treat myself to a new space. So I have left blogspot behind, bought my own URL, and moved up to a self-hosted wordpress blog. Just like moving into a new house, it may...

Relevant Conference Update

relevant |ˈreləvənt|adjective closely connected That word holds so much more meaning to me than it used to. After checking into the conference, I went up to my room and began to go through the goodie bag that I had been given. There in the bottom, almost lost amid the books and leaflets, was a small black bag with...

One Hundred

One Hundred times I have logged on and finished with hitting “publish”.  I haven’t done it much lately, what with leaky roofs sending my computer into ICU the Apple Store for a new logic board. I decided to celebrate my ONE HUNDRETH post with some special stuff. While I was at the shore a sweet new internet...

Hiking Toward Home