Category Archives: Compassion International

You Can Send Help NOW!

If you have been reading here for long you know part of my heart still lives in the Philippines. You also know what I think of Compassion International. They have made it easy for you to donate to help with the children affected by the super typhoon that hit there not long ago. Just click the image...

Almost Missed It

The Compassion Bloggers are writing again, from Ecuador this time. (It is almost ironic that they are there the very same week a team from our church are there too. Our pastor was blessed to meet the last living Auca Indian who took part in the murdering of Nate Saint and Jim Elliot. In his eighties,...

Not a Doubt Remains

You know how you see television commercials for charities for feeding the starving and hungry of the world and you wonder… how much do the kids really benefit? Where does all that money go? Doubt fills your head. There is one organization that I will gladly stand behind and help. Compassion International. I have seen...

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