Category Archives: Faith

Friday Flowers: Pink Dahlia

This past Saturday a dear friend and I went to nearby gardens so that she could take portraits of me, which is an unusual position for me. I am used to being behind the camera, not in front of it. So as I snap photos of flowers, she snapped photos of me. I had the better...

Still Saturday

 We are His workmanship. Each of us designed specific to be who we are in Christ Jesus. Not one of us like another. We are not like flowers where each flower on the plant is the same. Each of us are unique. “For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which...

A Quote To Remember

As I sat and listened to H. B. Charles preach, one thing jumped out at me the most. As one who for so many years doubted my salvation in Christ and struggled with legalism, this one quote stuck in my head and I’m glad it didn’t leave. It is one I want to keep in...


As I wander the pathways and gaze at the flowers, many of them in full bloom and many past their time. But each time I see a flower just opening itself up to the world, a song comes mind. I can’t get it out of my head and it ends up on repeat all day...

The Fire Is Lit

“Fires are lit in our lives, and they can burn to shine light or cause destruction. We get to decide which purpose they will serve.” ~Jennie Allen, Restless   As I read this passage this morning and thought about how Joseph said to his brothers, “What you meant for evil, God meant for good, for...

Hiking Toward Home