Category Archives: Faith

Finding the Y in the trail… In the dark.

So there we were the three of us hiking in the dark. We were on a fire road at the end of a long day of hiking. We still had two miles to go and all we had to see with was a single flashlight. We knew there was a Y in the road and...


When God led the children of Israel out of Egypt he did it in such a way that he blessed them in the process.  Not only did he set them free from their bondage of being slaves he orchestrated it so that they spoiled the Egyptians at the same time.  The Egyptians GAVE their riches...


The term ‘walk’ in the Bible refers to our daily journey with Christ. For me, the term ‘walk’ brings visions of leisurely strolling along. In my mind that does not accurately describe my walk with the Lord. My life is better described as a good strenuous hike. A good strenuous hike will test your limits....

Hiking Toward Home