Category Archives: Gratitude List

Gratitude: #1243 ~ #1428

Gratitude List 1243. A good friend to have theological discussions with 1244. teachers to fellowship and share testimonies with, of God’s working in their lives, past and present 1245. It truly wasn’t me 1246. the company of two dogs 1247. how she works hard to wedge her nose under your hand or arm, Carmel, how...

Gratitude: Looking Back

This past Saturday I attended the Beth Moore Simulcast that my church sponsored. As we stood and sang songs of worship, one of the songs was “Great is Thy Faithfulness”. I was reminded of the post Laura wrote about the veteran missionaries silently rising to their feet as someone sang this song. They all stood...

Gratitude: Hiking Forward

It’s been a long while since I posted. Too many reasons excuses to list here. I’ve been wanting to post but not so sure about what I had to say. I needed to refocus and remember why I began here and move forward. I’ve been standing sitting still way too long.  Yes, I wasn’t even...

Hiking Toward Home