Category Archives: Life Through My Lens

Broadening My Horizons, Part 2

So I said in my last post about Sushi that there was another post about sushi coming. Here it is. Who knows if there will be more… On Friday night, I went out with my brother and the sushi was so good I just had. to. have. more. I said it was a new addiction....

Focusing on 2016

So here we are in the beginnings of a new year. As I sat and pondered the coming year and the year that has passed, I have a few focus areas for the new year. I am not setting myself up for failure and setting goals I know I will never achieve. I just want...

Where Did It Go?

Summer has almost slipped completely away. In line with what seems to happen every. single. summer…  I haven’t done any of the projects I had set aside to do during “summer break”. It has been a very busy summer, filled up with camping, trips to the beach, youth camp and time at my parents so...

Hiking Toward Home