Category Archives: Life Through My Lens

Sunday Creative: “Naked”

Twelve years ago, my dad and I wallpapered my parents bedroom. After a few years the paper started to peel and the grandkids of various ages picked at the loose edges. Now it is no longer my parents bedroom but a room for visiting grandchildren, they have 8 of them, well 9 if you count...

What do YOU do with Tinker Toys?

 I am celebrating Tuesdays Unwrapped by finding and enjoying creativity in my kids. The oldest loves to write. The second in line loves to draw and do anything artistic.My kids did not play with of some of the most common of classic stateside toys while they lived in the southern Philippines. You know those things you are...

In Need of Color

So this week while I have been recuperating at my parents house, I have been staring at the beautiful flowers and colors in their yard and am aching to add some color to the home we are living in now.The yard that surrounds our current home has been forsaken for a long time. It is...

NOT Hiking

So my family went hiking to one of my favorite places today. I did not join them. I sat. In the parking lot. In a chair. Waiting for them to return. Because of this: Which is because of this: A giant slip-n-slide, 100′ long. Which was tremendous fun! Out of about 75 people, I am the...

Creativity Bootcamp- Day 13 “Smile”

Today is the final day of Boot Camp with Meagan. I have really enjoyed the daily task of being creative. It has been fun for me to illustrate a word each day. My kids are going to miss it. Every morning at breakfast they ask what today’s word is. I have got to find a way...

Hiking Toward Home