Category Archives: Life Through My Lens

Creativity Bootcamp- Day 1 "ivory"

“Ivory” The first day of the creativity boot camp was “ivory”. The medium I am choosing for this boot camp is photography. I am taking on this journey not just to push me to dig deeper at my art but to search out who I am. Someone asked me about a year ago “who is...

Happiness is… GRASS

There she stood on a sea of cement. Room to run did not exist except for the short run down the side of the house, but still cement all the same. Carmel is a much happier dog now. It was worth the headache of moving just to see her this happy. Can’t you just see...


Looks like a wad of twigs, but there is more than meets the eye. Well hidden deep inside… an amazing variety of items lining the nest. My son even notice bits and pieces rug from the remnants we have laying on our deck and silk flower petals blown off of gravestones up the hill. The...

Enjoying My Front Row Seat

(From Here) This morning as I was thinking about posting on another Tuesday, I stopped by Emily’s blog to see if she had left a prompt for the day. She was thankful for her husband but especially she mentioned the “love choice” that is marriage. Ah, that made me smile. What great truth is in...

Hiking Toward Home