Breakfast At The Pearl Farm

I wonder. Surely I am not the only mom who sits in the bathroom, and blogs while her kid plays in the bathtub.

I have not posted in quite a long time because things here in my home and life are so very busy.

So, while she soaks and plays I will type.

We were treated to a trip to the Pearl Farm recently. The Pearl Farm is one of my favorite places to visit. It is a quiet beach resort that is only a 40 minute boat ride away from where we live. The facilities are very nice. The food is good, well, that is if you like eating this for breakfast:

Oh, you need a closer look? How about this:
Yes, my friends those are fish heads… not chopped up pieces of fish, fish heads.

However the rest of the food was yummy stuff and there was a lot of fresh native fruits.

Since my life is insanely busy I will have to post more about the trip to Pearl Farm at another time.

Hiking Toward Home