Tuesdays Unwrapped: Blogging Blessings Unwrapped

As I was going through my daily routine, I was thinking about what I could post and link up to Tuesdays Unwrapped, it being Tuesday and all.

I really enjoy the blogs that I read on a regular basis. So often I have read a post and it speaks directly to what is going on in my life, spiritual walk with Christ, and relationships.

One, is facing a long distance move and I can empathize with her. I have just moved half way around the world not long ago and I understand all the stress involved with the packing and planning.

Another, has recently stepped into sobriety and blogs often about the inner struggle and battle with her ‘self’, and her honesty and rawness of how she feels. I am proud of her for her stand and pray for her as she continues on that path. I find it encouraging because, though I have not had the battle she faces now, I have personal battles with my ‘self’ all the time. So many times she has written about her frustration, of the stress of a bad day, and how she used to handle it and how she handles it now and I read it and it strikes a chord of “yeah, that is how I feel when ‘such and such’ happens.”

Just today I read a post about bitterness. I found it a good reminder, as Christ is helping me climb out of that hole at this time, God used it to remind me not to spew it all over those around me but put it in the proper receptacle, found only in Christ.

And then there is the one who so often makes me so very hungry. A long time friend, she introduced me to the world of VeggieTales and my life has never been the same. (Funny, the phrase “if I only had a brain” just flew through my head! wink wink)

I have a very close friend who has hiked many a long trail with me literally and physically. She has been right beside me, edifying me, uplifting me, and always reminding me to look up to the Savior we both love. Helping me to see things crystal-clearly.

Today, I unwrap the small blessing of fellow bloggers that God has used many times to encourage me, edify me, and also to help me know that there are others who face the same joys, struggles, and stresses that I face.

Hiking Toward Home