Category Archives: Friendship

God’s Human Instrument of Rescue

  When the children of Israel originally went down into Egypt is was for a good thing. God sent them there to save them from a famine that was coming. What began as a blessing of rescue from famine degenerated into a life of bondage and oppression. God heard the cries of his chosen children...

God Has Purpose For Your Heartache

  Moses fled from Pharaoh through the desert not knowing he would do it again one day while leading a million or more people. When you’ve travelled a certain path, you are able to later lead others down that path. When I was a little girl, my dad would lead our family up a mountain in...

Redeemed, How I Love To Proclaim It!

Redeemed, how I love to proclaim it. Redeemed, by the Blood of the Lamb. Redeemed, through his infinite mercy, His child, and forever, I am. :: (She’s gonna kill me for posting this REALLY OLD PHOTO.) Twenty-three years ago, before kids (and for Bryant and I – before marriage), God knit our hearts with a couple who...

A Masterpiece or a Doodle?

Are you a masterpiece or a doodle? When an artist makes a masterpiece it is a work that is not done on a whim but is usually methodic and takes time and thought. They are rarely ever just thrown together. A doodle is more of a mindless work. We doodle when we are bored and...

Hiking Toward Home