Category Archives: Friendship

An Old Familiar Melody

(Before reading through this post; I ask you to please pause the music at the top of this page just under the menu bar.) Though it was only rehersal, It was a sacred time; The Lord came near. One of those times when you can almost feel Him; We just knew He was there. The quiet...

Won’t You Join Us?

I am really looking forward to the (in)RL event coming up in April. An event put on by I’m hoping to host some ladies in my home some may not even be bloggers. The cool thing about this is: YOU DON’T HAVE TO GO ANYWHERE!! and it doesn’t matter what part of the world you...

Gratitude: My 1000th Gift

For a little over a year now, I have been recording my gratitude list in this space on Mondays. (If you haven’t read Ann Voskamp’s book One Thousand Gifts yet, I highly recommend it.) I have definitely noticed a difference in the times I keep my Gift List Journal out and visible and the times I...

Time Marches On…

Four years ago, his wife and I sat and sorted through tiny shells on the beach.   I saw a side of a man I had never seen before.   The tough stern retired police officer sat on a beach holding our littlest. As I watched from afar, I noticed this man, who has seen more...

Hiking Toward Home